Geometric Abstracts are an exploration of pictorial reality built of elemental geometric forms like circles, squares and triangles. As the main subjects are characterized by simple shapes, I choose red range of colors in most of the works. Contrast and depth are made with cool colors and textured is added to create a more attractive composition.


  • 20 photos
    Created: October 4, 2018
    Updated about April 1, 2022
  • 0 comments, 2,625 views, 0 likes

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  • Green Moon 0 0
  • Going There 0 0
  • Convergence 0 0
  • Fusion 0 0
  • Blue Moon 0 0
  • Green Square 0 0
  • Poeme 0 0
  • Retour a l'expéditeur 0 0
  • Rhythm in white 0 0
  • Transition 1 0 0
  • Transition 2 0 0
  • Blue like an orange 1 0 0