
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Pellentesque lacinia hendrerit leo, nec hendrerit magna porttitor at. Vestibulum pellentesque erat orci, non mollis purus ornare a. Ut a blandit dolor. Quisque ac pharetra ex. Aliquam pretium pharetra elementum. Phasellus nec mollis metus, non pellentesque purus. Vivamus in sem facilisis, dictum ex suscipit, imperdiet tortor. Sed varius massa ex, quis porta elit interdum non. Mauris at dictum nisi. Maecenas malesuada diam sit amet turpis porttitor, ut aliquam nibh facilisis. Ut sit amet ligula lacus.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras mollis sagittis feugiat. Nunc ac velit eu turpis congue lobortis. Pellentesque quam diam, feugiat vitae ipsum sit amet, aliquet vestibulum ligula. Sed nulla risus, malesuada blandit egestas vel, semper a risus. Pellentesque et tincidunt mauris. Nunc sodales diam dictum, sollicitudin leo nec, dapibus sapien. Suspendisse a fringilla urna. Quisque luctus neque tristique, cursus nulla ac, egestas felis. Proin dapibus condimentum posuere. Aenean lacinia volutpat convallis. In gravida, elit eu imperdiet venenatis, lacus risus venenatis quam, at consectetur tortor tortor malesuada enim. Nam hendrerit ipsum vel odio molestie rutrum. Vivamus vitae risus eget est vehicula consequat. In varius nec dolor eu aliquet.
Posted by Beatrice Mellinger 5 0 0 0 127
Following-up on my previous series “High Tide”, depicting the bleaching of corals and receding of reefs, treated in blue...
Posted by Beatrice Mellinger 6 0 0 0 117
"High Tide" is a narrative about the impact of coastal development, watershed-based sediment and pollution, marine-based...
Posted by Beatrice Mellinger 25 0 0 0 98
This series of paintings and prints is my response to the Caribbean Civilization which preceded by thousands of years be...
Posted by Beatrice Mellinger 12 0 0 0 94
This series was inspired by the poem “Voyelles” written in 1871 by the French poet Arthur Rimbaud, in which each vowel i...
Posted by Beatrice Mellinger 16 0 0 0 101
The landscapes paintings are compositions in which I combined memories and cultural references of my European and Caribb...